Food waste is a huge problem! It is shameful and it should not be happening as there are so many people on the planet that goes hungry every day!
When you waste food not only are you wasting your money but you are squandering the resources that were put into food production.
Plan your meals so you buy only what you need.
Don’t get tempted by promotions, they are only there to make you buy what you don’t need.
Avoid buffets, we always put in our plates more than we can eat;
In a restaurant order less than what you think you need; you can always order more food later if you are still hungry.
Always check if your food is ok to be consumed even if it has expired, the expire dates are there just as a precaution.
Donate all your extras to a food bank.
Try to keep a journal of your food wastage, if you don’t know what is going to the bin you will keep committing the same mistake repeatedly! !