green bees social


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Interested in becoming a bee? Join this amazing group of women, join GREEN BEES SOCIAL!


We are a non-profit organisation that brings together people that are concerned about the environment and climate change, with focus on plastic pollution and the amount of rubbish that we produce.

It works as a club, where members can meet regularly, share ideas and discuss solutions about how to reduce their carbon footprint, recycling and any other issue concerning the environment.

It aims to inspire people to a more sustainable living by helping them to understand the problems we are facing nowadays and to encourage them to support brands that are environmentally friendly.

The Bees Says?

Hailin Pek

We are really grateful for the support from Green Bees Social founder Patricia. She is really passionate in pushing for the cause of waste reduction, and strongly believes in building awareness leading to taking strategic action for change. Zero Waste SG is a non-profit NGO leading the drive towards zero waste in Singapore, and we focus on education and advocacy in food waste, plastic disposables, recycling and organisational waste. Like Patricia, we believe that every individual counts, and some action is always better than no action at all – let’s work together to be the change we want to see!

Hailin Pek

our work

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose.

Lorem Ipsum is Dummy

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default.

Lorem Ipsum is Dummy

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default.

Lorem Ipsum is Dummy

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default.